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Resolving QuickBooks Error 15270: A Complete Guide

QuickBooks Error 15270

QuickBooks Error 15270 occurs and crashes an active program window. The user usually encounters this error while downloading the Payroll update. The user will see an error message saying ‘QuickBooks Desktop Payroll error- payroll did not finish successfully, and the update file is missing.’

We will enumerate reasons and solutions to correct this issue.

Reasons for QuickBooks Error Code 15270

Below given are several reasons that will lead to QuickBooks Error Code 15270.

  1. Updated files could not be downloaded
  2. The User account settings are turned on, and this can interfere with the QuickBooks updates.
  3. The Internet Explorer is not the default browser.
  4. An incomplete installation, as a result, Program files are not properly copied.
  5. The computer could not download updated files, due to the poor network connection, insufficient memory or untimely program termination.
  6. Interference in the update functions because of user account settings and their functioning.
  7. If Internet Explorer(IE) is not the default browser, then also getting access to the network will create problems.
  8. Inaccurate program files or an incomplete/unfinished installation has a direct impact on QuickBooks Installation.

Also Read: How to Write Off Bad Debt in QuickBooks Desktop?

Resolve QuickBooks Error 15270

Now we are aware of the QuickBooks Updates Error 15270 causes. Next, we need to know about possible solutions.

Follow only the solutions that are required as per the problem you faced.

Method 1 – Download Fresh Updates

You need to reset updates and download the fresh ones from the website. Perform the below steps to rectify the problem.

  1. Restart QuickBooks. If it asks for an update, then click ‘’
  2. Now go to Help & Click QuickBooks
  3. Now the window that opens follow the steps that are shown in the window
  4. Press ‘Reset Updates’ & confirm the prompt
  5. You will see the ‘Get Updates’ active and you can click on that
  6. In the QuickBooks Update service -choose ‘Install ’
  7. Restart QuickBooks

Method 2- Change User account settings

To change the settings, navigate to the ‘Control Panel and go to User accounts. You need to open ‘User account controls’ and slide the option ‘Never Notify’ & press OK. Restart your computer after this.

Method 3- Choose Internet Explorer as the default app

QuickBooks generally configured through Internet Explorer, and Intuit also recommends this that IE should be used for using QuickBooks. However, if the internet explorer is not the default browser, it might lead to issues. To make IE the default browser:

  • In the search bar of the start window – look for App defaults
  • Now search ‘Web Browser’ & set IE as the default app(windows 10)

Method 4- Incorrect/Improper Identification Number

Ensure that you are using an Employee Identification Number. Sometimes, mistakenly you might use the social security number or enter the ‘Service Key.’ Hinder from doing this and only enter Employee Identification number.

Method 5- Do a Clean Install

Lastly, you can perform the QuickBooks Clean Install Tool to amend this issue. The clean install involved uninstalling, renaming the installation folders and then reinstalling QuickBooks again.


QuickBooks Error 15270: Thank you for reading this article. For any additional information on the above content directly speak to a technical expert at QuickBooks Payroll Support Number 1-888-905-3553.